Granting User Rights for Form Templates - Unity Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Unity Forms

Unity Forms
Foundation 24.1

In order to grant user groups the rights to use specific sections or pages within a form template or to configure form visibility, there are rights a user must have.

In order for a user to grant rights to other users that belong to their user group(s), a user must belong to a user group that has the Usergroup Security in the Configuration Rights dialog box, granted at the user group level. If a user belongs to a user group that has this right granted, the user can configure user groups rights on form templates for all the user groups to which he or she belongs.

In order for a user to grants rights to all user groups, the user must have the User Group Administrator right granted in the User Settings dialog box.