Reporting Dashboards Report Export - Unity Scheduler - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Unity Scheduler

Unity Scheduler
Foundation 22.1

The Reporting Dashboards Report Export task creates a Microsoft Excel file from a Reporting Dashboards report.

  1. Select Reporting Dashboards Report Export from the drop-down list when prompted to select the type of task you want to create.
  2. Click Next. The How should the Excel file be saved? dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select one of the following options to determine how the generated spreadsheet should be saved:



    Archive Document

    Archives the spreadsheet file into OnBase.

    From the drop-down list, select the Document Type the file should be archived to.

    To automatically assign Keyword Values to the stored document, select the Auto-populate keywords option. Continue the process to configure values as needed.

    Save to network location

    Saves the spreadsheet file to a specified location.

    Enter the desired file name for the spreadsheet in the File name field.

    Browse for or enter the location the spreadsheet should be saved to.


    To ensure the file is always saved to the correct location, use a UNC path.

    When entering both the file name and location, click the Insert drop-down button to insert variables. These variables are added to the file name or location and dynamically updated at the time the file is saved:

    • %CD- Inserts the current date.

    • %CT- Inserts the current time.

    • %CN- Inserts the task creator's user name.

    • %CRN- Inserts the task creator's configured Real Name.

    • %DP- Inserts the name of the Data Provider name associated with the task. When followed with a number, inserts the name of that number of data provider. For example, "%DP2" inserts the name of the second data provider.

    Select the Overwrite existing file if it exists option to overwrite an existing file by the same name in the same location. If this option is not selected, no existing files are deleted.

  4. Click Next. If you selected to archive the document and auto-populate the document keywords, the What keywords should be auto-populated on the document? dialog box is displayed.

    If you did not select to auto-populate document keywords, proceed to step 9.

  5. From the Keyword drop-down list, select the Keyword Type whose value should be auto-populated.
  6. Enter the value that should be populated for the Keyword Type in the Value field. Click the Insert drop-down button to insert variables. These variables are added to the Keyword Value and are dynamically updated at the time of upload:




    Inserts the current date.


    Inserts the current time.


    Inserts the task creator's user name.


    Inserts the task creator's configured Real Name.


    Inserts the name of the Data Provider name associated with the task. When followed with a number, inserts the name of that number of data provider. For example, "%DP2" inserts the name of the second data provider.


    To avoid errors during task execution, ensure entered Keyword Values comply with the Keyword Type settings, such as the maximum length of the Keyword Value.

  7. Click Add. The Keyword Type and value are added to the list.
    To remove an added Keyword Type and value, select them, and click Remove.
  8. Continue adding Keyword Types and values as necessary.
  9. Click Next. The Which reports should be included? dialog box is displayed.
  10. Click Add to add the Data Providers that should be reported on.

    The Select Reports to Include dialog box is displayed.

  11. Select a report by resting the cursor on the report and clicking the corresponding check box.

    To only show the selected reports in the list, select the Only show selected items option.

    To search for a specific report in the list, begin typing the name of the item in the Find field. The list is filtered as you type.

  12. Click OK. All selected reports are added to the list.
  13. To change the order of the report spreadsheets, select a report and use the up or down arrow buttons to move the order of the report up one place or down one place, respectively.

    To rename the spreadsheet of a report, double-click the name in the Sheet Name column and modify the name as necessary.

    To remove a report from being reported on, select the report and click Remove.

  14. Click Next. If any of the reports require input parameter values, the What values should be used for the parameters? dialog box appears. If none of the reports require input parameter values, proceed to step 16.
  15. Select the desired parameters and click Next. The How should this sheet be configured? dialog box and Column Chooser dialog box are displayed.
  16. Drag the columns you want to display in the Excel sheet from the Column Chooser dialog box to the top row of the How should this sheet be configured? dialog box. If you want to group the data in the report by any of the columns, drag that column from the Column Chooser to the Drag a column header here to group by that column area.
  17. Click Next once you have selected the proper columns and groupings.
  18. To finish configuring the task, click Next and continue to Configuring Tasks.