Load Decisions - Unity Scheduler - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Unity Scheduler

Unity Scheduler
Foundation 24.1

To load previously saved decisions:

  1. Click Load Decisions. The Open dialog box is displayed.
  2. Navigate to and select a previously saved decisions XML file.
  3. Click Open. The decision options of the configuration items in the Configuration Items pane are updated.
    By default, all items contained in the export file are configured to not be imported. This is signaled by No Action being displayed in the Action column.
  4. To filter the list of items, use the filter controls at the top of each column. To search for a specific item in a column, enter the search term in the filter control for that column. The list is filtered as you type. (For example, enter the name of a configuration item in the Source Item Name field to search for that item by name.)
  5. Use the Auto Resolution panel to automatically assign actions to all items listed in the export package:
    1. Navigate to the Auto Resolution panel by clicking the Auto Resolution ribbon button or panel tab.
    2. Select one of the following Matching Options:
      • Match to Target Name: Match items in the export package to items in the destination database if they have the same name. This matching option is selected by default.

      • Match to Target System Identifier: Match items in the export package to items in the destination database if they have the same system identifiers (IDs).


      The Match to Target System Identifier option is usually not the recommended way to match items, because configuration items often do not have the same IDs across multiple systems.

    3. Select any applicable Other Options:
      • Create Unmatched Items: Assign the Create action to any items for which a matching item cannot be found to Map. Without this option set, any items that do not have a match will not have their actions changed. This option is selected by default.

      • Override Existing Actions: Automatic resolution will override and reassign any actions that have already been set by the user.

    4. Once all matching and resolution options are set, click Automatically Resolve All Items. All configuration items are automatically assigned one of the following actions.

      Any decisions made by the automatic resolution logic are only suggestions. You should still verify all decisions before proceeding with the import. Depending on how the actions are automatically assigned, you still may need to manually resolve some configuration items.



    No Action

    The selected item will not be imported into the destination database.


    The selected item will be created in the destination database.

    After selecting Create, the New Name field is displayed, in which you can enter a different name for the item in the destination database, if necessary. The New Name field respects the maximum number of characters allowed for names belonging to the item type you are creating.


    The selected item will be mapped to a configuration item in the destination database. For example, if you are importing the AP - Checks Information AutoFill Keyword Set, you might choose to map its Keyword Types to Keyword Types already contained in the database if the appropriate Keyword Type names already exist in the destination database.

    After selecting Map, a list of available configuration items in the destination database is displayed. Select the appropriate item.


    When this action is selected, an item in the destination database is automatically selected if it matches the name of the item being imported.


    The selected item will replace a configuration item in the destination database.

    After selecting Replace, the New Name field is displayed, along with a list of available configuration items in the destination database. Select the appropriate item, and enter a different name for the item in the destination database, if necessary. The New Name field respects the maximum number of characters allowed for names belonging to the item type you are updating.


    When this action is selected, an item in the destination database is automatically selected if it matches the name of the item being imported.

  6. To manually resolve a configuration item, navigate to the Manual Resolution panel by clicking the Manual Resolution ribbon button or panel tab.
  7. For each item that you want to manually resolve, select the item from the Configuration Items panel and select the desired action (No Action, Create, Map, or Replace) in the Manual Resolution panel. See the table in step 5 for more information on each action type.

    For system items (i.e., items created automatically when the database is created), it is considered a best practice to leave the action set to Map to avoid unexpected behavior.

  8. After you have configured actions for the desired items, click the Run Verification button. Any errors and/or warning messages are displayed in the Errors and Warnings panel. If there are no errors or warnings, you are notified the verification was successful.
    • Errors prevent you from moving forward in the process. An example of an error is that an item you are attempting to create from the export package does not have a unique name (i.e., the name already exists for that item type in the system).

    • Warnings do not prevent you from moving forward in the process, but they indicate the import may produce unexpected results. An example of a warning message is that you created the export package on a different version of OnBase, or you are attempting to create and duplicate a system item that already exists in the system. If you have any concerns about a warning message, contact your first line of support.


    You must verify the import after making any changes to any configuration item's resolution.

  9. After running a verification with no errors, the Review Import button becomes available. Click Review Import. The Review Import panel is displayed.
  10. Review the configured items and the actions associated with each item.
  11. Click the Start Import button. The Import Results page is displayed and you are notified whether the import process was successful.
  12. View the displayed Import Verification Report to confirm all performed actions. The verification report lists the configuration item type, followed by action type. The appropriate configuration items are listed under the action type specified earlier in the process. If the import yielded any errors or warnings, those are described as well.

    Items designated as No Action are not displayed in the Import Verification Report.

    The verification report is stored in the SYS Verification Reports Document Type so it can be retrieved for future reference.

  13. Do one of the following to either commit or revert changes in the system:
    • Click Commit if the Import Verification Report lists the configuration items and the appropriate actions as expected. The changes listed in the verification report are implemented in the system.

    • Click Revert if the Import Verification Report does not list the configuration items and the appropriate actions as expected. The changes listed in the verification report are not implemented in the system.

  14. Click Finish.