If OnBase is licensed for the Integration for Allscripts Sunrise Acute Care, you can use a scheduler service to retrieve deficiency information from Allscripts Sunrise Acute Care and create external deficiencies in OnBase. The Allscripts external deficiency service establishes a secure connection to an Allscripts Sunrise HIM Deficiencies web service, authenticated by Helios Security Services, and checks for new deficiency data at configured intervals. This data is used to create, update, or delete external deficiencies in OnBase.
To configure the external deficiency service for Allscripts:
- In the Unity Management Console, create and configure a Deficiency Management for Allscripts Sunrise Acute Care task. See Creating the Deficiency Management Scheduled Task for details.
- Using the command prompt, install the scheduler service which executes the deficiency management task. See Creating the Scheduler Service for details.
- In the Allscripts Helios Gateway Client, configure the endpoint connection and authentication settings. Refer to the relevant Allscripts documentation for details.