If you require the Unity Scheduler to respect the Distributed Disk Services <FileAccess> setting, you must configure the Hyland.Core.Scheduler.NTService.exe.config file in a specific way.
Within the <configSections> node, add the following line:
<section name="Hyland.PlatterManagement" type="Hyland.Core.PlatterManagement.ConfigurationSettings, Hyland.Core" />
Within the <configuration> node, add the following lines:
<Hyland.PlatterManagement> <FileAccess> <PMAccessLevel value="1" /> <!-- 0 or empty for Default, 1 to Always use UNC, 2 to Never to UNC --> </FileAccess> </Hyland.PlatterManagement>
Configuring the Unity Scheduler to never use UNC can slow down processing.
For more information about the <FileAccess> setting, see the Distributed Disk Services module reference guide.