Setting Up a New Logon Account - VPConnect - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external


Foundation 22.1

Security access to VPConnect is strictly controlled. User accounts are therefore managed internally by your administrator of the system. End users cannot initiate the setup of their own accounts. User requests for a new account should come through a designated process established with your end users such as a website request page or a phone number for designated internal contact person. Once that request is received, the following steps should be followed.

When setting up external user accounts, you must be logged in with an account that is assigned to the Vendor Admin role and you must be accessing the VPConnect website using the external web address, not an internal web address such as \localhost\.... This last part is critical because the link that is embedded into the email sent out to the new user as part of the last step of this process uses the root of the web address displayed in the browser. This does not apply when setting up internal accounts.

  1. Select the menu Administration | User Entry.
  2. The User Entry screen is displayed to allow you to set up a new user account.
  3. Enter the new User ID. The User ID cannot include commas, and it cannot exceed 256 characters in length.
  4. Use the Lookup button if you want to search the Costpoint security database using this user ID. If this user ID exists in the Costpoint User Accounts database, the other user information fields are copied over automatically.
  5. Enter the First Name, Middle Name(optional), Last Name, Email, and Phone(optional).
  6. Use the Internal User check box to designate whether this is an internal or external user. If this option is selected, only those roles designated as "Internal" are displayed in the Role drop-down list. If this option is not selected, only those roles designated as "External" are displayed in the Role drop-down list.
  7. Select the Role from the drop-down list to be assigned to this user. You may only select one role assignment for a user. (See Role Configuration for more information on how roles are defined.)
  8. If the user was assigned to an external role, click Add Vendor to assign one-to-many vendor IDs to this account. This assignment is critical in that it controls which vendor-related data is displayed to this user when they log in from outside your company.
  9. For internal roles, users typically have access to all vendor records as long as the role they belong to is assigned to the Inquiry Menu options. Select the proper Company ID as defined in your Costpoint database.

    Once Company ID is selected, you can search for vendors directly in the Costpoint database by entering a Vendor ID or Vendor Name. You are allowed to type in partial values to perform a "begins with" search. For example, you can enter "Del" to find all vendor names that start with the letters d-e-l. Click Search for Vendor and a list of matching values we is displayed. Click the vendor ID for the row you want to select.


    Some vendors manage more than one vendor account in your Costpoint database. Therefore, the system allows a Vendor Admin to add one to many vendor IDs.

  10. Select the Language to be used on the Invoice Upload screen for this user. Language options are:
    • English (US)

    • French

    • Spanish

  11. Click Create to create the new user ID. This new user account is now created in the VPConnect security database.
  12. When a new user ID is created, an email is automatically sent to the new user whose account was just set up. The email contains their user ID and a temporary password to access the account. When the user logs on for the first time, they are required to change their password.

    The email contents can be modified to meet your specific needs. See Configuring Notifications in OnBase Studio for more information on modifying the new user ID email contents. If the Training Required check box is selected for a vendor, the end user receives different email text that informs them that they must complete training before their account becomes active.


    If you get the error message Failed to send the Confirmation email to the user, this can happen because your email service is down or the Notification is missing. The user account is still set up despite this message. You can use the Resend Email button on the User Administration screen to once the issue is resolved, or you can delete the account, resolve the issue, and set up the account again.