Vendor Admin Entry - VPConnect - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external


Foundation 22.1

The Vendor Admin Entry menu item is used to set up a new user account for anyone associated with your external customer that needs access to VPConnect. Vendor Admins serve as the primary person at the subcontractor for generating an invoice and submitting it. Their responsibility is to collect all of the data for labor, travel and ODC and enter for each subcontract employee and entering into the system.

You can also use this menu choice set up other non-administrator users up at the subcontractor that need to access the system. The role that these types of users are associated with would typically have limited menu options defined for query only operations.

User accounts set up under Vendor Admin Entry would always be associated with the role type of Vendor (see role types below). There must be at least one role already assigned to this role type before using this menu choice.


Only users who have account that is part of a VP Admin role can perform this data entry. That means that external users would not be allowed to set up a Vendor Admin account.

Getting Started:

  1. Enter the User ID of the new user account you want to set up. If this user ID exists in Costpoint security already, click Lookup to copy the information from Costpoint into the data entry fields automatically.
    If this user account is brand new and does not exist in Costpoint, just move to the next field.
  2. Enter the First Name, Middle Name(optional), Last Name, Email, and Phone(optional).
  3. Select the Training Completed check box if this employee has gone through any training program you require prior to them logging into the system.

    The user does not have access to VPConnect unless the Training Completed check box is selected. This is to prevent untrained and unauthorized users from trying to submit invoices improperly.

  4. Select one of the Roles that have been set up already for the role type equal to Vendor.
  5. Click Add Vendor to begin assigning one or more vendor IDs to this user account. This allows this user to be uniquely associated with one or more vendor records in your Costpoint system when they log in. It also allows them to see only data that is associated with the vendors assigned here.

    The Vendor Selection dialog box is displayed, allowing you to search the Costpoint database directly for vendors. If your system is configured for multi-company support, the Company ID must be selected first so that the proper set of vendors is searched in Costpoint.

    You can start entering the beginning of the name or number or you can enter the entire value and then click Search for Vendor. If only a portion of the search criteria is entered, the system performs a "begins with" search. Once the records are found, click the Vendor ID field for the record you want and it is added to the associated vendor list.

  6. Select the Language to be used on the Invoice Upload screen for this vendor. Language options are:
    • English (US)

    • French

    • Spanish

  7. Once all of the information has been added to the Vendor Entry screen, click Create and the new account validations are performed. If no issues are found, the user account is created in the security system of VPConnect.