Uploading Non-PO Invoices - VPConnect - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external


Foundation 22.1

Follow these steps to upload a non-PO invoice.

  1. Select the menu item Invoices | Invoice Upload.
  2. If the logged-in user account has access to more than one vendor, use the Change Vendor button to select the proper vendor. The system automatically defaults the proper vendor if only one is assigned.

    The Change Vendor button is only displayed if the logged in users has been assigned to more than one vendor ID. This is possible when a vendor has multiple entities that you do business with is managed by a single administrator.

  3. Select the Non-PO Invoice radio button option for Invoice Type.
  4. Enter the Invoice No and Invoice Amount. The currency code in the drop-down list to the right of Invoice Amount is populated automatically based on the currency preference for the vendor, but it can be changed on an invoice by invoice basis.
  5. By default, the Invoice Date is automatically populated with the current date, and the field is locked. (This feature is designed to prevent backdating invoices. Administrators can configure VPConnect so that any user, either internal or external, can change this date. See System Configuration.)
  6. Enter a Description for the invoice (optional).
  7. The Project No field is either required or not required based on a setting in the Settings Configuration menu item (see System Configuration). This field is validated against Costpoint once the Create button is clicked to ensure that it is an active project. If this field is set up to not required, the user still has the option to enter data into the field. The Project Name field is filled in automatically.
  8. Click Create. This performs a series of validations. If all validations are passed, the upload dialog box is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Click Browse and locate the electronic invoice document.
  10. Select the appropriate file and click Open.
  11. Click Upload to upload the selected file. If the upload is successful, the document is listed under Uploaded Invoice File.
  12. If you need to delete the uploaded file, click the Delete link in front of the file name.
  13. To upload any supporting documents, click the Upload Document(s) link. Follow the same procedures to locate, select, and upload the supporting documents.
  14. Click Close when all data has been entered and all files have been uploaded.
  15. Once all of the information is complete, click Submit and the invoice is uploaded into IAConnect.