Diagnostics and auditing logging routes can be configured in the Web Application Management Console. Logged messages can be sent to the Diagnostics Console, the Windows Event Viewer, and any other configured logging route. Additionally, you can designate separate logging routes for diagnostics and auditing purposes.
Some applications do not have logging settings.
To configure the logging settings for a web application:
- Open the web application in the Web Application Management Console.
Select Diagnostics | View Diagnostics Settings or click the View Diagnostics Settings toolbar button. The Diagnostics Settings dialog box is displayed.
The settings in the Diagnostics Settings dialog box correspond to the settings in the Hyland.Logging section of the web application's .config file. For further information on how the diagnostics settings should be configured for a particular web application, see the documentation for that web application.
Do one of the following:
Click Add to create a new logging route.
Select a logging route in the Routes list to edit an existing logging route.
- Enter a unique name for the logging route in the Name field.
Select one of the Source options to specify the type of logging events that the route will process:
Diagnostic Events
Events logged to troubleshoot and diagnose system operation.
Audit Events
System events logged for auditing and compliance purposes.
- Select Enable IP Address Masking to obscure the source IP address in logging messages for security purposes.
Select the Minimum Error Level and Maximum Error Level options to specify the severity of messages processed by the logging route.
The Minimum Error Level must be a level of lower or equal severity than the Maximum Error Level. If you select an error level setting that is beyond the severity level of the other error level setting, both settings are set to the same level.
The following log levels are available, listed from least severe to most severe:
Log Level
Logs that contain the most detailed messages and may include sensitive data. These logs should never be enabled in a production environment.
Logs that are used for interactive investigation during development.
Logs that track the general flow of the application.
Logs that highlight an abnormal or unexpected event in the application flow but do not otherwise cause the application to stop.
Logs that highlight when the current flow of execution is stopped due to a failure. These logs indicate a failure in the current activity, but not an application-wide failure.
Logs that describe an unrecoverable application, system crash, or catastrophic failure that requires immediate attention.
Enter the names of logging profiles in either the Included Profiles or Excluded Profiles field to control which profiles are logged to the route.
Use the Included Profiles field to enable logging only for the specific profiles listed. Any other profiles not listed in the Included Profiles field will not be logged.
Use the Excluded Profiles field to disable logging only for the specific profiles listed. All other profiles not listed in the Excluded Profiles field will be logged.
Note:You cannot have values in both the Included Profiles field and the Excluded Profiles field at the same time. When you begin entering a value into one of these fields, the other field becomes unavailable.
The names of standard logging profiles are autocompleted as you enter them. Other profiles may be available, depending on the application. For more information on standard logging profiles, see the section on diagnostics profiles in the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console module reference guide.
Use the Type drop-down list in the Destination section to select the destination for the logging messages.
See the following table for additional fields that become available depending on which destination type you select.
Tip:Use the Http or DurableHttp option to send logging messages to the OnBase Diagnostics Console or a third-party logging destination (such as ELK) that uses an HTTP endpoint.
Description and Fields Available
Sends logging events to a Windows command line console.
No additional fields are available for this destination type.
Posts logging events to an HTTP endpoint.
Server URL: Enter the server URL and/or port where logging events are to be sent.
Posts logging events to an HTTP endpoint and uses a backup file to retain logging requests until they are completed.
Server URL: Enter the server URL and/or port where logging events are to be sent.
Sends logging events to a third-party Splunk service.
Server URL: Enter the Splunk server URL and/or port where logging events are to be sent.
Splunk Token: Enter the Splunk token.
Saves logging events to a log file in JSON format.
File Path: Enter the full file path and file name for the log file. If the Roll When Limit Reached option is selected, a numeric suffix is added to the file name of each subsequent file.
File Size Limit (Bytes): Enter the maximum size for each log file. By default, this value is in bytes. To enter a value in megabytes or gigabytes, enter the value and then enter m for megabytes or g for gigabytes. The value is converted to bytes.
Roll When Limit Reached: Select to automatically create a new log file when the file size limit is reached.
Retained Files Count: Enter the maximum number of log files to retain.
Sends logging events to the Windows Event Viewer.
Source: Enter the name of the application key to write log events to in Windows Event Viewer. If left blank, this setting defaults to Hyland.
- Repeat the previous steps to configure any additional message routes needed for your solution.
- Click File | Save to save changes to the .config file.