Configuring Impersonation - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

The Web Application Management Console can be used to configure impersonation for supported Web applications. For information about impersonation, see the Web Server or Application Server module reference guide.

  1. Copy the ASPNET_SETREG.exe utility to the directory where the Web Application Management Console is installed or to another directory on your server.
    ASPNET_SETREG.exe can be obtained through Microsoft or your OnBase solution provider.
  2. Open the Web Application Management Console.
  3. Select one of the available web applications and click OK.
  4. Select Tools | Impersonation. The ASPNET_SETREG dialog box is displayed.
  5. Enter the domain, user name, and password (twice) for the impersonation account.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If prompted, browse to the location of ASPNET_SETREG.exe, and click OK.

    This dialog box is displayed if ASPNET_SETREG.exe does not reside in the same directory as the Web Application Management Console.

  8. Read the confirmation message, and then click OK.
  9. Grant the application pool's identity account Read permissions to the appropriate registry key. The key's permissions are reset each time the ASPNET_SETREG.exe utility is run.
    • In 32-bit environments, grant the Read permission on HKLM:SOFTWARE\Hyland\YourApp\Identity\ASPNET_SETREG.

    • In 64-bit environments, grant the Read permission on HKLM:SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Hyland\YourApp\Identity\ASPNET_SETREG.


    If the application pool is configured to use the built-in ApplicationPoolIdentity account, then the IIS_IUSRS group must be granted Read access to the registry key.


    Modify the registry at your own risk. Incorrectly editing the Windows registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Be sure to back up the registry before making any changes to it. For more registry information, see the following Microsoft articles: and