Editing Settings - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

Before editing Web.config settings using the Web Application Management Console, ensure you are familiar with the setting's function and valid values. For further information about each setting, see the related module's documentation. Search the documentation for the setting contained in the Web.Config Setting column in Web Application Management Console Settings.


Rest your pointer over a setting's name in the Web Application Management Console to display a brief description of the setting.

To edit settings:

  1. Open the Web Application Management Console.
  2. Select one of the available Web applications and click OK.
  3. Edit the appropriate settings by typing a new value, selecting a new value from a drop-down list, or selecting or clearing a check box.

    To undo your most recent change, click the Undo button in the toolbar. Continue clicking Undo to undo more changes. This button becomes unavailable once you save your changes.

  4. Select File | Save or click the Save toolbar button.
  5. You are prompted to confirm that you want to save your changes.

    Saving changes to the server application's Web.config file causes the respective web applications to restart. All users connected to the web application will lose their sessions.

  6. Click Yes to save changes, or click No to return to the Web Application Management Console without saving changes.