Importing Settings - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

You can import values for one or multiple settings from an exported XML file or a backed up Web.config file into the server application's current Web.config file.

To import settings from an XML or configuration (.config) file:

  1. Open the application's Web.config file in the Web Application Management Console.
  2. Select File | Import or click the Import toolbar button.
  3. Navigate to the location of the XML or text-based configuration file containing the settings to be imported.
  4. Select the file and click Open.
  5. If you are prompted with a Loading Error message, click OK. This message means either:
    • One or more expected settings were not found in the configuration file.

    • Invalid values were provided for one or more settings.

    The settings with missing or invalid values are highlighted in yellow and should be reviewed before the configuration is saved.

  6. You are prompted when the import process is complete. Click OK.
  7. Using the Web Application Management Console, verify that the values were imported properly. All values that were changed during the import process are highlighted in yellow in the Web Application Management Console. Tabs containing values that were changed include an asterisk after their name.

    Settings from the XML file are only imported if they have corresponding settings within the Web Application Management Console interface. Once the import process is complete, ensure that you verify the appropriate values were imported for the appropriate settings.

  8. After verifying that the values were imported successfully, select File | Save or click the Save toolbar button to save changes.