Starting the Web Application Management Console - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

To start the Web Application Management Console:

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs | Hyland | Web Application Management Console | Web Application Management Console.

    If the Web Application Management Console is not available from the Start menu, navigate to the location where it was installed and double-click WebApplicationManagementConsole.exe. In a 32-bit environment, this file is typically installed at C:\Program Files\Hyland\Web Applications Management Console. In a 64-bit environment, the file is installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Web Applications Management Console.

  2. If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on your system, then a prompt is displayed indicating that administrative access is required. Click OK to run the console as an administrator.
    For details on UAC, refer to your Microsoft support information or see
  3. Depending on how the Web Application Management Console is configured, you may be prompted to select a web application:

    The Web Application Management Console works with the following web applications:

    • Web Server

    • Application Server

    • Agenda Online

    • Gateway Caching Server

    • Public Access Server

    • Electronic Plan Review

    • Reporting Dashboards Web Viewer

    • Identity Provider

    • OnBase Patient Window

    • Healthcare Form Manager

  4. Select a web application and click OK.

    In a typical installation, the Web Server is named AppNet. The Application Server is named AppServer. The names of other applications may vary per installation.

  5. The Web Application Management Console opens, displaying the Web.config settings for the selected web application.
    If an Error while loading message is displayed, then the Web.config file may have some invalid values that need to be modified. These values will be highlighted in red in the Web Application Management Console. Look for the tabs with asterisks (*) in their labels to locate these settings.