Retrieval Tab - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

The Retrieval tab contains settings which control how the API communicates with the Application Server. These settings correspond to attributes in the <appSettings> element of the Public Access web.config file.

WAMCon Setting/Web.config Attribute


Encrypt Doc ID/EncryptDocId

Select this option, or set the attribute to true, to encrypt the document ID of documents retrieved using Public Access. Encryption is enabled by default.

Deselect this option, or set the attribute to false, to disable the encryption of document IDs.


The encryption of document IDs is recommended. With encryption disabled, document IDs are visible in the URL, and users could enter other IDs to gain unauthorized access to other documents.

Use Display Columns/UseDisplayColumns

Select this option, or set the attribute to true, for the front-end client to use the display columns configured for the Custom Query. Display columns are enabled by default.

Deselect this option, or set the attribute to false, for the front-end client to display only Auto-Name strings in the results list.


This option is not applicable to full-text searches.

Decorate Document Names/DecorateDocumentNames

Select this option, or set the attribute to true, to display decoration formatting for document Auto-Name strings. Decorated names are displayed by default.

Deselect this option, or set the attribute to false, to not display decoration formatting for document Auto-Name strings.


This option is not applicable to full-text searches.

Query Limit/QueryLimit

Set the maximum number of results returned by queries. The default value is 0, meaning no limit.


The front-end client can also specify its own query limit with the queryLimit key in obpa-config.json. The lower of the two limits is applied when retrieving documents.

A high limit or no limit allows users to see more documents in the results list, but can result in a performance loss if a very large number of documents is returned.

Chunk Size/ChunkSize

Set the size, in bytes, of the read/write buffer and the chunks of data sent to the front-end client. The default value is 512000 bytes.


Lowering the chunk size can limit the system memory used by the API but will throttle downloads, especially for large documents. Changing this value is therefore not recommended.

Viewer Mode/ViewerMode

Specify the default method used to deliver documents for display and download, if none is specified by the front-end client:

  • Set to PDF for documents to be converted to PDF before being sent to the front-end for display. This is the default viewer mode.


    Some large documents can take a long time to be converted to PDF. If you encounter this problem, consider using the Native viewer mode or re-importing problematic documents as PDFs.

  • Set to Native for documents to be sent to the front-end for display or download in the format which they were uploaded to OnBase as.


    If the user's browser does not recognize the extension of a document's native format, the file may be downloaded instead of displayed in the viewer.

  • Set to NativeOptional for documents to be converted to PDF for display, but still be available to download in their native format.

Size to Prompt (MB)/SizeToPrompt

Set the maximum size, in MB, of documents which are allowed to display in the viewer. Users are instead prompted to download documents exceeding this size.

Setting the value to 0 forces all documents to be downloaded, and setting it to -1 disables this feature, allowing all documents to display in the viewer regardless of size. The default value is 20 MB.

Default overlay mode/OverlayMode

Specify the method used to render documents with overlays, if none is specified by the front-end client:

  • Set to View to display overlays as normally configured.

  • Set to Print to display overlays in a printer-friendly mode. This is default overlay mode.

  • Set to Off to not display overlays.


This setting only applies to documents displayed in the viewer as PDFs.

Size to Cache (MB)/SizeToCache

Set the minimum size, in MB, at which documents will be cached to disk. Caching large documents allows for an improvement in performance over time by reducing repeat traffic. The default value is 1 MB.

Cache Path/CachePath

Enter the path to the directory used to store the document cache. The default path is C:\DocCache.


The specified cache directory does not need to already exist, as long as the Windows user running the IIS service has permission to create and modify it.

Expiration Time/ExpireTime

Set the duration, in days, for which a document is allowed to remain cached before being re-fetched from the Application Server. The default value is 1 day.

Max Cache Size/MaxCacheSize

Set the maximum size, in GB, to which the cache is allowed to grow. When the cache reaches this limit, the oldest documents in the cache are deleted to make room for each new one.

Setting the value to 0 disables document caching. The default value is 10 GB.

Enable local browser caching/EnableBrowserCaching

Select this option, or set the attribute to true, to allow a user's browser to cache documents for a short time.

Deselect this option, or set the attribute to false, to not allow a user's browser to cache documents for a short time. Browser caching is not enabled by default.

Interval between throttle cache resets/ThrottleResetTimer

Set the frequency, in minutes, at which the throttle cache is reset.

Request throttling prevents users from making an excessive number of requests and overburdening system resources. The throttle cache tracks the number of requests made from each IP address; if the number of requests exceeds the configured threshold, traffic to that IP address is throttled and subsequent requests are temporarily blocked. When the throttle cache is reset, all blocks are lifted.

Setting the value to 0 disables request throttling. The default interval is 5 minutes.

Amount of requests during each throttle interval/ThrottleThreshold

Set the number of requests allowed from a single IP address before traffic is throttled and users at the address are temporarily blocked from making further requests. Blocks are lifted when the throttle cache is reset.

Setting the value to 0 disables request throttling. The default threshold is 1000 requests per throttle cache reset interval.