ADFS Settings Tab - Web Application Management Console - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Application Management Console

Web Application Management Console
Foundation 22.1

The settings on this tab are used to enable AD FS. In order to configure AD FS, you must run the Configure For ADFS menu item from the Tools menu. See the Legacy Authentication Methods module reference guide for more information.

Web Application Management Console Field

Web Server Web.Config Setting

Authentication Mode

authentication mode

ADFS Enabled

adfs enabled

Audience URI


Trusted Issuer Thumbprint

trustedIssuers thumbprint

Trusted Issuer Name

trustedIssuers name

Cookie Handler Require SSL

cookieHandler requireSsl

wsFederation Issuer

wsFederation issuer

wsFederation Realm

wsFederation realm

Certificate X509FindType

certificateReference x509FindType

Certificate Find Value

certificateReference findValue

Certificate Store Location

certificateReference storeLocation

Certificate Store Name

certificateReference storeName