Your Web Client session may be interrupted and you may be required to re-authenticate your connection to OnBase. This can happen for several reasons, such as if you are required to reset your password, or if the network connection is interrupted.
Depending on your solution, you may be able to reconnect to OnBase and resume your session, or you may be required to log in again and begin a new session.
If you are allowed to resume your session, the Authentication Required dialog box is displayed:
If your solution allows you to automatically log in to the Web Client, the Password field is not included.
Do one of the following:
Enter your OnBase password (if required) and click Reconnect to resume your current session. You are returned to the Web Client context in which you were previously working. It is recommended that you verify that your last action before the interruption was successfully completed.
Click Log Out to end your current session and return to the Web Client login page.
If you are required to begin a new session, the following Authentication Required dialog box is displayed:
Click Close to return to the Web Client login page, and re-enter your user name and password if required. It is recommended that you verify that your last action before the interruption was successfully completed.