Defining a Home Page - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

You can define one of your favorites to be displayed as the home page when you log on. For example, if you frequently import documents upon logging on, you can configure the Import Document context to be displayed as soon as you log on.

To define a home page:

  1. Click the Favorites icon in the title bar of the Web Client. The Favorites menu is displayed.
    Web Client interface with the Favorite icon highlighted.
  2. Select Edit Favorites. The Edit Favorites dialog box is displayed.
    The Edit Favorites dialog box, displaying list of favorites.
  3. Select the Home icon next to the favorite you want as your home page.
    The Edit Favorites dialog box with Home icons highlighted.

    The Home icon turns blue, indicating that the favorite you selected is now the home page.

    Edit Favorites dialog box, with a blue Home icon for one favorite.
  4. Click Save and Close. The selected favorite is now your home page, and is displayed first each time you log on. To reset the home page, repeat the steps above.