If you have sufficient privileges, you can search for specific text in a text-based document assigned to a Document Type or Document Type Group.
To retrieve documents using external text search:
Select the Main Menu button. The Menu list is displayed.
Select Document Retrieval from the menu. The Document Retrieval information is displayed in the navigation panel.
Select a Document Type from the Document Types section. Depending on how the Web Client has been customized, the Document Types may be collapsed under their corresponding Document Group.
Click the drop-down arrow to expand a Document Type Group and view the document types in each group.
Tip:You can also use the keyboard to expand and collapse a Document Type Group. Select the Document Type Group, then press the Right Arrow key to expand or the Left Arrow key to collapse the Document Type Group.
From the Document Types list, select the Document Type(s) to be included in your search. To select multiple Document Types, use one of the following methods:
Press Shift or Ctrl as you click the documents to search.
Group the Document Types, and then select the Document Group name to select all documents in that group.
Click the Text tab in the panel. The external text search options are displayed.
- In the Search For field, type the text string you want to search for. The string must contain at least two characters, and at least one character in the string must be a letter or a number.
Select a search type.
Text- Searches for alphanumeric text.
Number- Searches for numeric values and allows the use of the following operators to limit the search: =, >, <, =>, and <=. You can use and, or, and to as operators to search for a range of values. For example, type 2008 and 2009 to find documents containing both 2008 and 2009.
CAUTION:If you are searching for an exact number that is part of an alphanumeric text string, then the number will not be found. For example, if you search for 001 and the actual text is ABC001, then the value will not be found.
Formatted Number- Searches for numeric values that use formatting characters. For example, to search for all Social Security Numbers greater than 800-00-0000, type > 800-00-0000 in the Search String field. You can use this option with following operators to limit your search: =, >, <, =>, and <=. The to operator can also be used to search for a range of values. For example, type 800-00-000 to 900-00-0000 to find documents containing values within this range.
Note:When you search for formatted numbers greater or less than the entered search string, formatted numbers followed by periods are not included in the search results. For example, if the formatted number is the last word in a sentence, then it will be omitted as a result.
Select one of the following options if necessary:
Select the Find First check box to limit the number of hits in each document search to one, which will limit search time. If Finds First is not selected, each document is searched until all hits are found.
Select the Case Sensitive check box to return only matches that have the same capitalization as the text string search criteria.
Select the Whole Word Match check box to match only a text string that is the exact word (not just merely characters matching the search criteria). If there are any spaces within the text string, the Whole Word Match check box will be unavailable.
Select the Wild Card Search check box to include wild card characters in your text string search criteria.
Note:These options are not available for Number and Formatted Number search types.
- To generate a report of the text search criteria and results, select the Create Report check box. Enter the name of the report in the Report Description field. Enter the number of lines of text to show above and below the found text in the Lines Before and Lines After text fields.
Click the Search button in the toolbar.
OnBase displays a Document Search Results list, which provides a link to each page that contains the text string, as well as the number of instances, or hits, per document.
Note:If no documents match your criteria, the Document Retrieval list displays No documents found.
Click a page number to display that hit in the Document Viewer. To display the hit in a new window, right-click the page number and select Open in New Window.
If the selected document is displayed using an image rendition, the hits will not be highlighted on the document. The hits will only be highlighted when the selected document is displayed using a text rendition.