Document Retrieval Using Note Search - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

The OnBase Web Client lets you search documents for notes. You can limit your search by Document Type, Keyword Value, Note Type, note text, note creation date, and the note creator.

  1. Select the Main Menu button. The Menu list is displayed.
    Main Menu with Document Retrieval selected.
  2. Select Document Retrieval from the menu. The Document Retrieval information is displayed in the navigation panel.
    Document Retrieval panel.
  3. From the Document Types section, do one of the following:
    • Select the Document Type Group containing the type(s) of document(s) you want to retrieve (scroll down to see all Document Types Groups)

    • Select the Document Type(s) to be included in your search. To select multiple Document Types, use one of the following methods:

      • Press Shift or Ctrl as you click individual Document Types.

      • Click on the Document Type Group heading to select all of the Document Types in the group. Click the heading again to deselect all Document Types.

  4. In the Keyword Type fields provided, type any Keyword Values by which you want to limit your search. You can also use the date fields above the Keywords tab to limit your search by Document Date.
  5. Click the Notes tab of the navigation panel.
    The Note tab is located to the right of the Text tab in the Navigation Panel.
  6. Enter your search parameters into the appropriate fields, which are described in the following table:



    Note Text

    Type the note text for which you want to search.

    Created on

    Enter a date range to limit your search to notes created within that range. You can use the corresponding calendars to select a date.

    You can also specify a date or date range by clicking the toggle date range options arrow in the upper right of the date specification area to display available options:

    The month and year are displayed below the From field, and other date options are displayed under the To field.

    Select an item from either list. The To Date and From Date fields automatically populate according to your selection.

    If no range is specified, OnBase searches for notes created on any date within the selected Document Type(s).

    Note Owner

    Select the OnBase user who created the note you are searching for.

    If no user is specified, OnBase searches for notes created by any user within the selected Document Type(s).


    This drop-down list will only display the first 500 entries. In order to view other entries, you can enter one or more characters into this field to filter the drop-down list.

    Note Types

    Select the Note Type you are searching for.

    If no Note Type is specified, OnBase searches for notes of any type within the selected Document Type(s).

  7. Click Search. When the search is finished, OnBase displays all matching documents in a Document Search Results list.

    If no documents match your criteria, the Document Search Results list displays No items to display.

    Each listed result displays the document name, the note type, the page number where the note is located, and the revision number of the document. Navigate through multiple pages of results using the list's toolbar buttons.

  8. If there is only one document listed, the document opens in the Viewer automatically; otherwise, open a document by double-clicking it from the Document Search Results list. The document is displayed in the Document Viewer.
    Document Search Results list with the selected document displayed in the Document Viewer.

    To open multiple documents at the same time, open subsequent documents in a new window. For more information, see Open in New Window.