Document Retrieval by Keyword Value - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

You can retrieve documents by keyword values that have been assigned to document types.


The options available to you will depend upon your User Groups and Rights and the configuration of the Document Types and Groups. See your system administrator for details.

To retrieve documents by keyword value:

  1. Select the Main Menu button. The Menu list is displayed.
    Main Menu with Document Retrieval selected.
  2. Select Document Retrieval from the menu. The Document Retrieval information is displayed in the navigation panel.
    Document Retrieval panel.

    Some Document Types are configured to require Keyword Values to be entered in order to create and/or retrieve documents. Required Keyword Values are displayed in red for these operations, which may include the following: Document Retrieval, importing, indexing, re-indexing, viewing or modifying Keyword Values, and scanning.

  3. Select a Document Type from the Document Types section. Depending on how the Web Client has been customized, the Document Types may be collapsed under their corresponding Document Type Groups.
    Document Types section with list of collapsed Document Groups.

    Click the drop-down arrow to expand a Document Type Group and view the Document Types in each group.


    You can also use the keyboard to expand and collapse a Document Type Group. Select the Document Type Group, then press the Right Arrow key to expand or the Left Arrow key to collapse the Document Type Group.

    Document Types section with list of Document Types under expanded Document Type Group.
  4. From the Document Types list, select the Document Type(s) to be included in your search. To select multiple Document Types, use one of the following methods:
    • Press Shift or Ctrl as you click the documents to search.

    • Group the Document Types, and then select the Document Group name to select all documents in that group.

    Document Types list with all Document Types in a Document Group selected.

    The Keywords panel displays Keyword Types for the selected Document Type. Note the following:

    • If multiple Document Types are selected, the panel displays Keyword Types that are common to both.

    • If Keyword Types have not been configured for the document or for multiple documents, a message is displayed indicating that Keywords are not available for a single document, or that common Keywords do not exist for multiple documents.

  5. To narrow your search further, you can search using one of the following options:
    • Keyword Value. From the available Keyword Type fields, enter or select Keyword Values from drop-down lists. As you type a Keyword Value in a drop-down list, the list of available Keyword Values is narrowed down.

      Pressing F5 opens the drop-down list for Keyword Values if one exists. If you begin to type a value and then press F5, the drop-down list begins with those values that match the entered value.


      Each Document Type is associated with one or more Keyword Types. All documents assigned to a Document Type have the same Keyword Types, and unique Keyword Values. If multiple Document Types are selected, the only applicable Keyword Types are those that are common to all the selected Document Types.


      Some searches require you to enter at least one Keyword Value. Search requirements are determined by your system administrator.

    • From Date and To Date fields. See Document Retrieval by Document Date for details.


      If you enter only a From Date, all documents from that date forward are retrieved. If you enter only a To Date, all documents up to that date are retrieved. If you enter a from and a to date, all documents within the date range are retrieved.

    • Text tab. This allows you to search for documents by text string (External Text Search - applicable for text-based documents). See Document Retrieval Using External Text Search for details.

    • Note tab. This allows you to search for documents by Note Types and note text. See Document Retrieval Using Note Search for details.

    • Full-Text Search field. This allows you to search for documents by entering specific words or phrases into the Full-Text field.


      The Full-Text field is available only if your privileges provide access to this option.

  6. When you have entered all search criteria, click Search at the bottom of the navigation panel.All documents that match the search criteria are displayed in a Document Search Results list.

    If no documents match your criteria, the Document Search Results List displays No items to display.

    The Document Viewer contains available toolbars, notes, and the currently opened document.

    If you used a text search as a method of retrieval, OnBase provides the number of times the search criteria appears in the document, as well as the page(s) on which the items were found.


    If you do not enter any search criteria, a message may be displayed indicating that you are running an unrestricted query, which could take a long time. You can choose Yes to continue your search, or choose No to go back and select parameters to narrow your search.

    You can do the following from the Document Search Results List:

    • Open a document by double-clicking its listing, or clicking the page number for text-based searches. The document is displayed in the Document Viewer.

    • Navigate through documents using the Document Viewer toolbar buttons.

  7. To open multiple documents, elect to open subsequent documents in a new window. For more information, see Open in New Window.

    During a given session, OnBase maintains a record of the search criteria used in each search in Query History, so that you can repeat it exactly.