Filter Documents by Document Name - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

To filter documents by Document Name in the Search Results list:

  1. From the Document Name column, click the filter icon.
    The document results returned in the Document Search Results list appear below the toolbar.

    The filter options drop-down list is displayed.

    Detail of Document Date column with filter option highlighted.
  2. Select a filter option from the list. Options include:



    Starts with

    Filters documents based on the letter or letters they start with. Enter the letters to filter in the Contains field.

    Ends with

    Filters documents based on the letter or letter they end with. Enter the letters to filter in the Contains field.


    Filters documents based on the word or words contained within the document name. Enter the words to filter in the Contains field.

    Does not contain

    Filters documents based on the word or words that are not contained within the document name. Enter the words to filter in the Contains field.


    Filters documents based exactly on the word or words entered in the Contains field.

    Not equals

    Filters documents according to a word or words that are not contained in the document name.

    Clear Filters

    Clears any filters that were applied to the Document Name column.

  3. Enter a search term in the field next to the filter option icon and press Enter. The Search Results list displays the results of the filter.