Opening the Folders Window - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

To access folders from the Web Client:

  1. Select the Main Menu button. The Menu list is displayed.
    Detail of the Main Menu list.
  2. Scroll down to the Folders section, and then select Open Folders.
    Detail of the Main Menu list with Open Folders highlighted.

    The Folders window opens in a separate window.

    The Folders screen.

    Open multiple Folders windows by repeating this step. Doing so allows you to compare documents residing in different folders.

    The Folders window displays all available file cabinets and folders. The following diagram highlights the main sections of the Folders window.

    The Folders window components are described in the following table.




    Folder Tree: Displays folder hierarchy. Also allows you to add the Folders window to your Favorites or perform a folder search.


    Document List: Lists all documents in the selected folder, unless a template is applied.


    Child Folders/Related Folders: Displays child folders (subfolders) and related folders of the selected folder.


    Document Viewer: Displays the selected document and folder tabs, if configured.


    Folder Notes: Lists all folder notes in the current branch of the folder tree, if the branch is configured to allow notes.

  3. To resize panes in the Folders window, drag the borders between the panes. To collapse or expand a pane, click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the pane.

    You can also collapse the Navigation Panel in the Folders window by either double-clicking the vertical handle or dragging the handle until the Navigation Panel collapses.

    Folders window illustrating dragging the vertical handle until the Navigation Panel collapses.

    Click the expand button to re-open the collapsed Navigation Panel. The width of the re-opened Navigation Panel depends on how you previously collapsed it:

    • If you double-clicked the handle, the panel re-opens at its previously configured width.

    • If you dragged the handle until the panel closed, the panel returns to its default width.

    Folders window with Navigation Panel collapsed. The expand button is highlighted.