Indexing Panel Overview - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

An Indexing panel like the one shown below is displayed during indexing. The documents to index are displayed in a separate Document Viewer window.

Screenshot of Indexing panel.

The following controls are available when you index a batch:



Document Type

The Document Type drop-down list allows you to choose the Document Type for the current image. You must select a Document Type from the drop-down before continuing, unless the selected batch has been configured to have a Default Document Type. Users may override the default or previous value to select a different Document Type. Depending on the queue's configuration, a document may receive the Document Type of the document that was indexed before it as its Default Document Type.

When a Document Type is selected, the lower part of the panel populates with the Keyword Values assigned to that Document Type.

Document Date

Enter the date you want to associate with the document you are indexing in the Document Date field. This date is used in the Document Retrieval dialog box and other dialog boxes to find the document by date. Click the calendar button to the right of the Document Date field for a selection calendar.

Reverse AutoFill Keyword Set Lookups

If any Reverse AutoFill Keyword Set Lookup items are associated with the selected Document Type, you can use secondary Keywords to search for an AutoFill Keyword Set during indexing. This is useful when the primary Keyword of the AutoFill Keyword Set is not known. When a single reverse lookup item has been configured for a scan queue, a button is displayed below the Document Date field. When multiple reverse lookup items have been configured for a scan queue, a drop-down list is displayed below the Document Date field.

Use the drop-down list or button to open a search dialog, enter any known Keyword Values to find the associated AutoFill Keyword Set(s), and apply the desired AutoFill Keyword Set(s) to the Indexing panel.


Once the Document Type has been selected, the Keyword Types (names and fields) for that document are displayed. If an ellipsis (...) follows the Keyword Type field, drop-down selections are available.


The lock button next to the Document Type field, the Document Date field, and each of the Keyword Type fields allows you to lock that field's current value so that it cannot be changed.

When the current page is indexed, the locked field holds the value from the previous document.

If the Document Type is changed using the Document Type drop-down list, and if a locked Keyword Type field is associated with the new Document Type, the value remains in the Keyword Type field in the new Document Type. To change the value in a locked field, click the lock again and type a new value.

Note: The Web Client does not support Keyword Locks in scan queues with the Force Document Type Selection option enabled.

If a Primary Keyword Value for an AutoFill Keyword Set is locked/unlocked, the Secondary Keyword Values will also be locked/unlocked.


If a default Keyword Value is changed and then locked during indexing, a second instance of the Keyword Type with the default Keyword Value is added.


When using Keyword Value locks, there can be undesired results when changing the Document Type. A different Document Type may share the same Keyword Types, but the Keyword Values can be stored on the second Document Type in a different Keyword Type storage structure. When switching between Keyword Type structures (e.g., a Document Type assigned a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group (MIKTG) to a Document Type not assigned a MIKTG, and back again,) this may result in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group Values being re-ordered in the Indexing panel. This is expected behavior since the alteration of the method of storage from a MIKTG to regular Keyword Type fields cannot retain the relationship information between the values originally imposed with the MIKTG. For this reason, switching between Keyword Type structures is not recommended.


When you lock the Document Date field, the locked date is saved on the user's workstation and persists until either the date is unlocked or the user logs off of OnBase.


To enter multiple values for the same Keyword Type, click the Keyword Type name to create another Keyword Type field. This option is not available if the Document Type that the document is being indexed into is associated with a Single-Instance Keyword Type Group. However, you can enter multiple values for a Keyword Type in a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.