Considerations for Re-Indexing Documents and Adding or Modifying Keyword Values - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

Ensure you understand the effects of re-indexing documents and adding or modifying Keyword Values before proceeding with either task. Documents are re-indexed in the Re-Index Document dialog box. Keyword Values are added or modified in the Add/Modify Keywords dialog box.


You cannot re-index a document or add or modify Keyword Values if the document has been locked by another user. See your system administrator for information regarding Document Lock Administration.

  • Automatically Change Secondary Keyword Values of an AutoFill Keyword Set

    If an AutoFill Keyword Set is associated with the Document Type and you modify the Primary Keyword Value, all Secondary Keyword Values are automatically updated to reflect Keyword Values in the AutoFill Keyword Set when clicking Re-Index.


    You cannot re-index documents in the Add/Modify Keywords dialog box.

  • Keyword Values in Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups

    If the original Document Type contains a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, the Document Type to which you want to re-index must contain the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group in order to preserve the integrity of the data relationship.

  • Re-indexing from a standard Keyword Type that has multiple Keyword Type Values to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is not supported. It is not supported because it is not known which instance of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to associate with each Keyword Type Value. If you must re-index from standard Keyword Types to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, you must manually enter all of the Keyword Type Values appropriately in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group instances.

  • AutoFilled Keyword Values in Keyword Type Groups or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups

    Re-indexing a document to another Document Type associated with the same Keyword Type Groups or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups causes any associated AutoFill Keyword Sets to re-populate the Keyword Values in the Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Group.

    If Secondary Keyword Type Values contained in a Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group initially populated by an AutoFill Keyword Set are changed at any time before the new Document Type is selected, some or all of the modified Keyword Values are overwritten if an AutoFill Keyword Set is configured to populate any of those values in the Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group on the new Document Type. The overwritten Keyword Values become permanent once re-indexing is complete.

    If the user closes the Re-Index Document dialog box before clicking the Re-Index button, or if the Secondary Keyword Values are changed in the Re-Index Document dialog box after the new Document Type is selected, the user is prompted to save.


    Changing the Primary Keyword Type Value prior to changing the Document Type will prevent the AutoFill Keyword Set from re-populating Secondary Keyword Type Values after a new Document Type is chosen, because the AutoFill Keyword Set is not triggered by the modified Primary Keyword Value, unless the modified Primary Keyword Value is also a Primary Keyword Value in an AutoFill Keyword Set associated with the new Document Type. Then, the modified Primary Keyword Value would cause the existing Secondary Keyword Values to be replaced by the associated Secondary Keyword Values.


    This only affects Keyword Type Groups or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups. Individual AutoFilled Keyword Types will retain any modified, individual, AutoFilled Keyword Values when a document is re-indexed, even if values from Keyword Type Groups or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups are overwritten on the same document.

  • Require Changes to Child Values in a Cascading Data Set

    A Cascading Data Set is an indexing feature that defines parent/child relationships between drop-down Keyword Values available on a document or folder. Changing a parent Keyword Value in a Cascading Data Set will not update the child Keyword Values that depend on it. For example, suppose a document is indexed with a selected State and County, where the County Keyword Value is a child to the selected State Keyword Value. If you change the State Keyword Value, then the County will retain its original value and will not be updated to reflect the new State.

  • Trigger Auto-Foldering

    If you re-index a document that is configured for auto-foldering, it will trigger an auto-foldering process.

  • Alter the contents of Dynamic folders

    Because Dynamic Folders contain documents according to their Keyword Value, re-indexing a document or adding or modifying Keyword Values may dynamically move the document from its current folder to another folder.

  • Affect the appearance of your document

    The appearance of an XML file format document may change if you add or modify the Keyword Values or re-index the document. Your system administrator determines whether the document's appearance is dependent on Keyword Values.

  • Affect Workflow

    Keyword Values can affect Load Balancing and certain Workflow actions, such as Set Related Document's Keyword Equal to This Document's Keyword. See the Workflow module reference guide or help files for details.


    Re-indexing a document or adding or modifying Keyword Values may trigger different results depending upon the Workflow action.

  • Notes and Annotations

    When re-indexing a revisable document with notes or annotations, the notes or annotations are not transferred to the next revision. The notes or annotations are only retained on the original document.