Single-Window Mode - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

The Enable Single-Window Mode option allows you to configure how certain layouts are displayed in the Web Client. When this setting is selected, layouts such as the Folders interface are displayed as a new layout in the main Web Client window instead of separately in a new window. When this setting is deselected, layouts such as the Folders interface are displayed as a separate window when opened.

When using the Enable Single-Window Mode setting, consider the following:

  • You must log out of the Web Client for changes to the Enable Single-Window Mode setting to take effect.
  • When the Enable Single-Window Mode setting is enabled, documents can be opened from a Document Search Results list using a single click or tap instead of a double-click or tap.
  • The Enable Single-Window Mode setting is deselected by default the first time a user logs in to the Web Client using a desktop workstation.
  • The Enable Single-Window Mode setting is selected by default the first time a user logs in to the Web Client using a mobile device such as a tablet.
  • Changes made to the Enable Single-Window Mode setting affect all user accounts that log in to the same machine using the same web browser. For example: John Adams logs in to the Web Client on a desktop computer workstation using the Google Chrome internet browser and selects the Enable Single-Window Mode setting. Later, Betsy Ross logs in to the Web Client on the same machine using the Google Chrome internet browser. The Enable Single-Window Mode setting is selected for her and she will have to deselect it if she wants to return to the default behavior of opening layouts such as Folders in a separate window.
  • Changes made to the Enable Single-Window Mode setting do not persist across different devices or web browsers. For example: John Adams logs in to the Web Client on a desktop computer workstation using the Google Chrome internet browser and selects the Enable Single-Window Modesetting deselected. Later, he logs in to the Web Client on the same workstation but uses the Microsoft Edge web browser this time. He notices that the Enable Single-Window Mode setting is deselected for his Microsoft Edge session, and he will have to reselect the option if he wants to enable single-window mode while using the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Certain layouts that open in a new window will continue to display in a new window even if Enable Single-Window Mode setting is enabled. For example: the Print window.
  • When the Enable Single-Window Mode setting is selected, the Open in new window option is disabled from Document Search Results lists.