Document Properties - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

You can display the Properties of all documents in the system, as long as you have the proper privileges.



Document Handle

The document number assigned to the document when it was brought into the system. This is the only place in the system where the internal document handle for a document is displayed. The document handle can be used to retrieve a specific document and to troubleshoot problems with the document.

Document Name

The Auto-Name string of the document.

Batch Number

The number of the batch in which the document was brought into the system. A batch number is displayed if the document was brought into the system through a process such as COLD.

Document Date

The date used by the system to refer to the document. This date is used during searches limited by date. The document date is assigned to a document during import.


If the Import Document layout has been open overnight, the system date and Document Date may reflect the previous day's date. If this has occurred, close and re-open the Import Document layout so that the correct Document Date is stored.

Archival Date

The date on which the document was imported into the system. If an invoice from December 28, 1996 was brought into the system on March 11, 1997, December 28, 1996 is the document date and March 11, 1997 is the date stored. This date is used for internal tracking. You cannot search for documents based on the date stored.

This field also contains the time at which the document was imported into the system. You cannot search for documents based on the time stored.

Document Type Number

The internal number associated with documents of this Document Type.

Document Type Name

The name of the Document Type to which the document belongs.

Document Status

Displays the document's position in the system. If the document is retrievable, a status of 0 is displayed. If the document is in the system, but not yet available for retrieval, a status of 1 is displayed. If the document has been deleted, a status of 16 is displayed.

Document Type Revision

Displays which revision of the Document Type the document is using. Different Document Type revisions can have different configurations.


If the document is revisable, the Revision field displays the latest revision number of the document. For non-revisable documents, this field is always set to 1.

Created By

The name of the user who processed the document into the system.

Security Value

For internal use only.


The internal page number for a document. Page numbers start at 0, and are indicative of the number of files used to display the document. Text documents typically have only one page, while image documents typically have several. Virtual E-Forms have no pages, so on a Virtual E-Form this field would display the tag <Virtual E-Form> instead of a page number.

Disk Group

The number associated with the Disk Group in which the document is stored.


The volume number in the Disk Group in which the file is stored.

# of Pages and # of Lines

The characteristics of the document within the file. These values are useful for text documents. Non-text documents display the number of pages as 1 and the number of lines as 0.

File Format

The number associated with a configured file format. This number determines how a document is displayed and printed.

Item Offset and Item Size

Describes the physical storage of the document within the file. The Item Offset is the byte offset into the file for the starting point of this particular document. The Item Size is the number of bytes in the file that make up this document.

File Path

Lists a partial path to the document. The beginning of the path depends on the location configured for the document's Disk Group.


Dates and times use the Windows regional settings for formatting.