Restoring Deleted Documents - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

Users can view and restore deleted documents by using the Trash Can. The Trash Can displays documents deleted by the current user.

Note the following:

  • Only the user who deleted the documents can restore them using the Trash Can.

  • A system administrator can restore any deleted documents using Document Maintenance in the OnBase Client.

  • Depending on your solution, the documents in the Trash Can might be permanently purged on a regular basis. See your system administrator for more information on how long deleted documents remain in OnBase.

  • The Trash Can is only available for users with privileges to delete documents.

To restore deleted documents:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Trash Can icon in the title bar.

      The Trash Can icon is on the left from the user name.
    • Select Trash Can from the User section of the Main Menu.

      The User menu with Trash Can option highlighted.

    The Trash Can dialog box is displayed.

    The Trash Can dialog box.
  2. If needed, use the column headers to sort, group, and filter the documents in the results list. You can perform the following actions:
    • To sort the results by a specific column in ascending order, click the column header. Click the column header again to sort the items in descending order.

    • To group the results by a specific column, drag the column header to the space above the column headers.

    • To filter the results, click the gray filter area under a column header and enter the search criteria for the filter.


    For more information on working with items in a results list, see Document Search Results List.

  3. Select one or more documents in the results list that you want to restore. To help identify a document to restore, you can perform the following actions:
    • To view a document, double-click it in the results list. The document opens in a separate window.

    • To view document attributes, perform one of the following actions:

      • Right-click a document in the results list and select one of the options described in the following table.
      • Select a document in the results list, then click the Context Menu button in the upper-right corner and select one of the options described in the following table.




      Opens the Add/Modify Keywords dialog box and allows you to view the document's Keyword Values.


      Opens the Document History dialog box and allows you to view the document history.


      Opens the Document Information dialog box and allows you to view the document properties.

  4. Click Restore. The deleted documents are removed from the Trash Can and are now available for use again.