Create New Documents - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

To create a new document:

  1. From an open text or image document or from the Document Search Results list, right-click and select Send To | Create New Document. The Create New Document dialog box is displayed.

    If the document is currently open in another browser session, a message displays indicating that a new document cannot be created because the document is locked by another user.

    The Create new document from existing dialog box allows you to define a Page range, Document Type Group, Document Type, Document Date, and any Keyword values.
  2. In the Page Range field, enter the pages or page range you want to include in the new document.

    The page range option is available for multi-page image documents only.

    The page range option is available for multi-page image documents only. A specified page range is required when creating a new document. You can type complex ranges, such as 1-2,5,8-11.


    The new document will contain the pages you enter in the precise order that they were entered. For example, if you enter 2-5,1 as your page range, the first page of the original document will be the last page of the new document.

  3. To delete the specified pages from the original document, select Delete copied pages from original document.

    The Delete copied pages from original document option is not available if the original document is a single page.

  4. Index the new document by specifying the Document Type Group, Document Type, Document Date, and any Keyword Values.

    Depending on your user rights, the new document may not contain masked Keyword Values from the original document. See the Encrypted Alpha Keywords documentation for more information.

  5. If the Create as revision of original document option is available, select the option to create the document as a revision to the original source document. When this option is enabled, the Document Type and Keywords are reset to the source document and cannot be modified. This option is available if all of the following are true:
    • The OnBase solution is licensed for EDM Services.

    • The source Document Type is revisable.

    • You have the proper privileges to create revisions.


    A revision of a document cannot be created while the document is locked.

  6. Depending on your system's configuration and licensing, the Add To Workflow option may be available. Select it to add this new document to a Workflow life cycle. This option is only available when licensed for Workflow and the Document Type is part of an existing life cycle.
  7. Click Create New Document. The following is displayed, depending on your selections:
    • The new document is displayed on the screen.

    • If you chose to delete the copied pages, you are prompted to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel the deletion and return to the Create new document dialog box.

    • If you selected the Create as revision of original document option, the Document Revisions dialog box is displayed.

      The Document Revisions dialog box.

      Select the appropriate Save option, and then click Save. The document is displayed on the screen.