Viewing and Editing Keywords for HTML Documents - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

You can view and edit the Keyword Values for a document that is currently displayed in the Document Viewer or a document that is listed in the Document Retrieval list. You can also view and edit the Document Date, which is the date assigned to a document when it was imported into the system.

Some documents have one or more Keyword Values displayed automatically when you open the document. These Keyword Types are configured by your system administrator to Auto Display.


When editing keyword values that are displayed automatically on an opened document, it may be necessary to close and reopen the document to correctly auto-display those values.

  1. View Keyword Values using one of the following methods:
    • From the Document Search Results list, select the document, then right-click and select Keywords.

    • From an open document, right-click and select Keywords.

    The dialog box is displayed, allowing you to add or modify Keyword Values.

    Dialog box allowing user to view, add, or modify Keyword Values.
  2. Edit the Keyword Values as needed.
  3. When finished, click Save to exit and save changes, or click Cancel to exit without saving changes.

    You will be unable to modify Keyword Values if the Document Type is configured to Disable Keyword Editing, if the Keyword Values are locked by another user, or if you have insufficient privileges. Under these conditions, the values will be shown as read-only text (instead of editable field values), and the Save button will be disabled.