Wildcard Characters - Web Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Web Client

Web Client
Foundation 23.1

A wildcard character can be used to match Keyword Values where one or more characters are unknown. Wildcards can only be used to match alphanumeric Keyword Values.


Depending on your system's configuration, some alphanumeric Keyword Types may not allow wildcard characters to be used, or searches that include wildcards may return unexpected results.

Type one of the following wildcard characters directly into the Keyword Type field to search for text strings containing one or more unspecified characters:

Note: Due to how many records may be returned from a wildcard search, your database settings may not allow for leading wildcards or trailing wildcards. For more information on how to enable or disable leading and trailing wildcard searches, see the topic on configuring database settings in the System Administration documentation.




The * wildcard character can be used to replace one or several characters of a text string. For example, the text string Smit* will find all instances of both Smith and Smithsonian.


The ? wildcard character can be used to replace a single character in the text string. For example, the text string SM?TH will find all instances of both Smith and Smyth.