When a document is indexed, its Keyword Types are assigned Keyword Values. A Keyword Value is the specific value that helps to identify documents in the system.
Some Keyword Types require their values to be a specific format, such as a date, a number, or a currency value.
Note:Currency keyword values are limited to 15 characters in length.
Some Keyword Types will have default values assigned to them, so when you import a document into the system, the default value is displayed in the Keyword Type field.
Some Keyword Values display automatically on an open document.
Depending on your system's configuration, you may be able to change the currency format for Keyword Types that use specific currency formats. If a Keyword Type uses specific currency formatting, a currency button is displayed to the right of the Keyword Type field. Click the button to display a list of available currency formats.
Depending on your system's configuration, certain Keyword Types may be masked or appear as read-only at the Document Type level.
Depending on your system's configuration, certain Keyword Types may be subject to value validation rules.