You can resize sections of the Navigation Panel and Document Search Results list by dragging the borders between the sections. You can perform the following actions:
To resize the Navigation Panel and Document Search Results list, click and drag the handles between elements to the preferred width or height.
To collapse the Navigation Panel, do one of the following:
Double-click the vertical handle.
Drag the vertical handle until the Navigation Panel collapses.
To collapse the Document Search Results list, do one of the following:
Double-click the horizontal handle.
Drag the horizontal handle until the Document Search Results list collapses.
To re-open a collapsed pane, click the expand button. The size of the re-opened pane depends on how you previously collapsed it:
If you double-clicked the handle, the pane re-opens at its previously configured size.
If you dragged the handle until the pane closed, the pane returns to its default size.