If you have any internal mail, the Mail icon displays with a red dot, indicating that you have mail in your inbox.
The Notify on New Mail option in Preferences must be selected in order to display the mail notification icon. See Internal Mail Notification for more information.
To access the internal mail:
Click the Mail icon. A drop-down list is displayed indicating how many new messages are available for viewing.
Select Go to Inbox. The Inbox is displayed showing the new messages and previously received messages.
- To read a message, select it from the Inbox list. The message is displayed in the lower pane.
To view an attached document, click the document's link in the Attachment(s) section.
If a user is sent an attachment in internal mail and does not have rights to view the Document Type to which it belongs, the user is unable to open the attachment. If the user does not have rights to modify document Keyword Values, the user does not have the ability to Add/Modify Keyword Values or Re-Index the attached document.
For more options, click one of the buttons described in the following table:
Reply lets you reply to the OnBase user who sent you the message.
Forward lets you forward the message and attachment(s) to other OnBase users.
Delete deletes the message.
First Message displays the message you received most recently.
Previous Message displays the message listed above the message you are currently viewing.
Next Message displays the message listed below the message you are currently viewing.
Last Message displays the oldest message in your inbox.
To check for new messages, do one of the following:
Click the Refresh button.
Right-click a message from the list and select Refresh.