The Document Date is the date assigned to a document when it was imported into OnBase. The retrieval default date options let you change the default date available from Document Retrieval.
Your system administrator has defined a default document date or date range to be used for document retrieval. You can specify a different date or date range while you are performing an individual retrieval operation, but that date is replaced by the default date the next time you access Document Retrieval. You can save a different default retrieval date through your user options. This is helpful if you frequently search for documents from the same date or date range.
To change the retrieval default date:
Select Preferences from the user menu.
The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
Select the drop-down list in the Retrieval Default Date section. The following options are available:
No default date is used.
Last Weekday
The previous weekday is used as a default. Friday is considered the last day of the week.
Last Business Day
The previous business day is used as a default. Saturday is considered the last business day of the week.
Yesterday's date is used as the default date.
Today's date is used as the default date.
First of the Month
The first day of the current month is used as the default date.
Last of the Month
The last day of the previous month is used as the default date.
Specific Day
The specified day is used as the default date.
Last Month
The date range of the previous month is used as the default date range.
Current Month
The date range of the current month is used as the default date range.
Current Week
The date range of the current week is used as the default date range.
Month to Date
The date range extends from the first day of the current month to the current date.
Year to Date
The date range extends from the first day of the year to the current date.
Last X Days
The date range is determined by the number of days specified. The maximum input allowed is 3650.
Last X Weeks
The date range is determined by the number of weeks specified. The maximum input allowed is 522.
Last X Months
The date range is determined by the number of months specified. The maximum input allowed is 120.
- Click Save and Close. The default document date changes take effect immediately.