Configuring Web Parts for the Secure Store Service - Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 24.1

You can configure Web Parts for the Secure Store Service.

To configure Web Parts for the Secure Store Service:

  1. Ensure the Secure Store Service is running. To check its status, click Manage services on server under System Settings in Central Administration.
  2. In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder appropriate for your SharePoint edition:
    • SharePoint Server 2019: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\16\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ OnBase WebPartsforServer2019

  3. Open the OnBase StatusViewWebpart.dwp in a text-editing application.
  4. Set the following entry to true:
    <IsSSO xmlns="Hyland.Applications.Sharepoint.StatusViewWebPart">true</IsSSO>
  5. For the following element, modify App= OnBase to specify the Secure Store Service application name you created in SharePoint Central Administration:

    <PathToSSOEntryPage xmlns="Hyland.Applications.Sharepoint.StatusViewWebPart">https://SPS_Server:SPS_SSL_Port/_layouts/1033/ssologon.aspx?App= OnBase </PathToSSOEntryPage>


    The URL does not need to be modified. The only value used in SharePoint 2019 is the App= value.

  6. To allow users to change their Secure Store Service credentials using StatusView Web Parts, ensure the following entry is set to true:
    <AllowUserSSOManagement xmlns="Hyland.Applications.Sharepoint.StatusViewWebPart">true</AllowUserSSOManagement>
  7. Continue to Web Part Upload & Activation (SharePoint 2019).