Troubleshooting - Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 24.1

After OnBase Web Parts are added to a SharePoint page, they must be linked to portlets in OnBase. When you click open the tool pane from the newly added Web Part, available portlet types are displayed on the right side of the page. If no portlet types are displayed, perform the following troubleshooting steps. These steps can also resolve the Error getting server name error message.

  1. Ensure portlet types have been configured in OnBase StatusView.
  2. Ensure users have been assigned OnBase privileges for the portlet types.
  3. On the workstation, add the URLs for the OnBase Web Server and the SharePoint server to the same security zone in Internet Explorer. To add URLs to a security zone.
    1. From the browser window, select Tools | Internet Options.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. Select the appropriate security zone (e.g., Local Intranet).
    4. Click Sites.
    5. Type the URL to the OnBase Web Server and click Add.
    6. Type the URL to the SharePoint server and click Add.
    7. Click OK twice to close both dialog boxes.
  4. If portlet types are still unavailable, adjust the security settings for the security zone.
    1. From the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, select the security zone.
    2. Click Custom Level.
    3. Under Miscellaneous, set the following to Enable or Prompt.
      • Access data sources across domains

      • Navigate sub-frames across different domains

    4. Under User Authentication | Logon, select Automatic logon with current user name and password.
    5. Click OK twice to close both dialog boxes.
  5. If your solution uses Active Directory authentication, ensure that the Web Server is properly configured. See the topic on configuring Active Directory authentication in the Installation chapter of the Web Server module reference guide.
  6. If your solution uses HTTPS bindings, see Message from webpage: System error: -2146697208.