Custom Query Portlet - Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 24.1
  1. Select a custom query.

    External text search custom queries are not supported in StatusView custom query portlets.


    Full-Text custom queries are only supported if your solution is licensed for Full-Text Search. See the Full Text Search module reference guide for more information.


    Folder Type custom queries are not available. To search for folders, use a folder portlet.

  2. To allow users to enter their own retrieval values, skip to step 4.

    To create a predefined query, select the Save Query option. This option is available for standard custom queries only; it is not available for HTML custom queries.

    Fields for the query's configured retrieval keywords are displayed. If the query supports date ranges, the following options are displayed:

    1. Select one of the following options, if applicable.



      Use Default Date

      Select to use the custom query's default date, if one has been assigned to the query in OnBase Configuration.

      Date Options

      Select to use a dynamic date or date range, such as yesterday, last month, or year-to-date.

      Proceed to the next step for information about each option.

      Query Date Range

      Select to use a range of specific dates.

    2. If you selected Date Options, choose one of the options from the drop-down, as described in the following table. If the option has additional parameters (such as Specific Day), the parameters become available when the date option is selected.

      Date Options



      No default date is used.

      Last Weekday

      The previous business day is used as a default. Friday is considered the last day of the week.

      Last Business Day

      The previous business day is used as a default. Saturday is considered the last business day of the week.


      Yesterday's date is used as the default date.


      Today's date is used as the default date.

      First of the Month

      First day of the current month is used as the default date.

      Last of the Month

      Last day of the previous month is used as the default date.

      Specific Day

      The specified day of the week is used as the default date.

      Last Month

      The date range of the prior month is used as the default date range.

      Current Month

      The date range of the current month is used as the default date range.

      Current Week

      The date range of the current week is used as the default date range.

      Month to Date

      The date range extends from the first day of the current month and the current date.

      Year to Date

      The date range extends from the first day of the year to the current date.

      __ Previous Days

      The date range is determined by the number of days specified. Valid values are 1-365.

      __ Previous Weeks

      The date range is determined by the number of weeks specified. Valid values are 1-52.

      __ Previous Months

      The date range is determined by the number of months specified. Valid values are 1-12.

  3. Enter the appropriate values for the query.
  4. Click Save.

    The Web Server's web.config file contains settings that limit the number of documents a custom query can return before an error message is displayed to the user. Of these settings (sv_nDocQueryLimit and sv_nDocLowerQueryLimit), only sv_nDocQueryLimit is respected. If the number of documents returned exceeds the number configured for sv_nDocQueryLimit, then the query will not be executed, and the user will be prompted to add parameters to further limit the search.