Using the Chart Viewer - Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation 24.1

Both the Workflow Queue Filter and WorkView Summary portlets can display data in as a chart or graph.

To zoom in on the chart and see all labels, click the Open Chart button displayed in the title bar of the portlet.

When you click View, the Chart Viewer window opens and lets you perform several tasks.

Use the buttons at the top of the window to rotate, toggle the labels and legend, print, or save the chart.



Rotates the chart horizontally to the left.

Rotates the chart horizontally to the right.

Hides or displays the chart labels.

Hides or displays the chart legend.

Prints the display.

Saves the display in a .png format in its current rotation.