Copying a Web Project - Web Services Publishing - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Services Publishing

Web Services Publishing
Foundation 22.1

You can copy a web project that already exists within OnBase Studio. The copied project can then be edited and published completely independently from the original project. To copy a web project, follow these steps:

  1. Open the OnBase Studio and select a repository.
  2. Select the Integration Services tab from within the Repositories panel. Existing web projects will be displayed beneath the Web Service Publishing node.
  3. Expand the Web Publishing node.
  4. Select the web project you want to copy.
  5. Click the Copy button from the Integration Services ribbon.
    The Create Web Project dialog box is displayed.
  6. Modify the name of the new project in the Name field to reflect the purpose of the new project. This value must be unique. This value will be automatically populated based on the value used by the original project, plus an appended version number. The version number is automatically incremented if the project is copied multiple times to ensure that this value remains unique.
  7. Modify the namespace for the new project in the Target namespace for the web services field as desired. This namespace is used in published WSDLs and schemas to uniquely identify incoming requests with the proper web service and operations. This value must be unique. This value will be automatically populated based on the value used by the original project, plus an appended version number. The version number is automatically incremented if the project is copied multiple times to ensure that this value remains unique. For example:
  8. Modify the name of the virtual directory used to publish the project's web services in the Virtual directory name field to the name of the directory that the project will be stored in. This name is used to create a virtual directory in the IIS Web Server when publishing the web services. This value must be unique. This value will be automatically populated based on the value used by the original project, plus an appended version number. The version number is automatically incremented if the project is copied multiple times to ensure that this value remains unique. For example:
  9. Click OK. The copied project is added to the list of projects under the Web Publishing folder.