HIS Workflow XML Messaging | Receive XML Message as payload - Web Services Publishing - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Web Services Publishing

Web Services Publishing
Foundation 22.1

This operation allows you to compose a document based on an existing message item type, using a single element of a message item type instead of the full schema of the selected message item type. This operation can also allow you to receive message items for a message item type schema that does not contain a target namespace value. Creating a Receive XML Message as payload operation also automatically creates an HIS on-ramp using the configuration settings from the operation.


This operation is intended for use with the HIS Workflow XML Messaging feature, which is a separate feature from the Enterprise Integration Server and does not have a corresponding operation in the Enterprise Integration Server documentation.

After selecting the Receive XML Message as payload web operation action in the Create Web Operation wizard, the Select Message Item Type dialog box is displayed.

  1. Select the message item type to be used with this operation.

    You can filter the list of available message item types by typing text into the Find field.

    Selecting the <Any Message Item Type> option (instead of a specific message item type) enables the web operation to send a request for any messages that match the web service's target namespace. If the XML payload being returned matches any existing message item types, a message item of that type is created.
  2. Click Next. The Please enter operation details dialog box is displayed.
  3. Specify the name that you want to be displayed for your operation in the Display Name field. The specified name will be used to display the operation in the Integration Services tab of OnBase Studio.
  4. Specify an XML-compatible name for your operation in the XML Compatible Name (follows XML validation rules) field. Unicode characters are not supported.
  5. Click Next. The Select communication mode dialog box is displayed.
  6. Select one of the available options:
    • Receive Message- Select this option to configure this operation as a one-way operation that will be processed through a Workflow life cycle.


      When operations of this type receive a new message item, that message item is routed to only the selected life cycle for processing. The message item is not routed to other life cycles configured to process message items.

      After selecting this option, the Select Life Cycle dialog box is displayed.

      Select the Workflow life cycle that will process the message items received by this operation, and then click Finish.


      Only life cycles configured with a Content Type of Message Items are available for selection.


      You can filter the list of available life cycles by typing text into the Find field.

    • Receive and Send Message- Select this option to configure this operation as a two-way operation that will be processed through a Workflow system event. After selecting this option, the What do you want to name the Workflow system event? dialog box is displayed.

      Change the name of the Workflow system event that will be created to process this operation, and then click Finish.

  7. The newly created web operation and on-ramp are now available in the Integration Services tab of OnBase Studio. If you are creating an operation for two-way communication (send and receive), the system event is also now available in the Workflow tab.

    Only users with permission to access the selected message item type will be able to execute the created web operation.