Creating Global Sections - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

Global sections are sections that administrators can create and assign to user groups. Once an application is registered for a user on a workstation, global sections automatically display for use.

In order to create global sections, the application must be registered. For more information about registering applications, see Registering Applications.

  1. Click the Edit global configuration settings button under the Contextual Pane.

    The global configuration dialog box is displayed

  2. Select the Contextual Section Configuration option.

    In order to access this option, you must be an administrator.

  3. Select the Application from the drop-down list that you want to associate with the new section.
  4. Right-click in the right pane and select Create new section.
  5. Enter a Title for the section.
  6. Select a Filter from the drop-down list. From the drop-down list the application's filter bars are displayed. You can expand a filter bar and select the appropriate filter. Additionally, you can edit a filter or create a new filter. For more information, see Configuring Filters.
    The filter selected will be used to define the data displayed within the section. Any user constraints defined in WorkView are ignored and the filter is executed based any constraints configured.
  7. Select a Section Type from the drop-down list. You can select Instance Data or Filter.

    The Instance Data section type is used to display data within WorkView that is related to the selected e-mail. In order for this to function optimally, constraints should be configured to define what attributes within WorkView map to e-mail properties.

    The Filter section type displays the results of the selected filter in a list format.

  8. The Enabled check box is selected by default. If you do not want this section to be enabled, uncheck the Enabled check box.
  9. If you want users to be able to hide a section, select the Allow users to hide this section check box. This is selected by default.
  10. If you want to allows users to edit their copy of the section, select the Users can edit their copy of this global section check box. Selecting this check box allows user to edit the section. Their edits will only affect their configuration and will not be reflected in other users' interfaces. This is selected by default.
  11. Click User Groups. The WorkView - Assign Groups dialog box is displayed.
  12. Select the appropriate user groups from the Available User Groups box that you want to grant access to and click Add>>.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Add appropriate Constraints. This is available for the Instance Data and Filter section types. See Configuring Contextual Section Constraints for more information.
  15. Add appropriate Subsections. This is available for the Instance Data section type. See Configuring Subsections for more information.
  16. Click Save. A section bar is displayed in the Contextual Section Configuration screen. The following is an example

    When <All> is selected in the User Group drop-down list, any section configured for any user group is displayed, giving you a view of all of the global sections that are configured in the system.

You can show disabled sections by right-clicking and selecting Show disabled sections. When disabled sections are showing, a check mark is placed next to the right-click option.