Updating or Adding a Deployment Instance - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

When a change is necessary for a deployment instance, it can be updated or a new instance can be created.

To update an existing instance or create a new instance, do not launch the Hyland Office Products Deployment installer. Instead, select Start | All Programs | Hyland | Deployment | Deployment Wizard on the deployment server. This launches the Deployment Wizard and the Welcome to the Deployment Wizard Creation Wizard dialog is displayed.

After launching the Deployment Wizard, see General Installation Options and go to the Welcome to the Deployment Wizard Creation Wizard dialog step, then continue with the procedure to complete updating or adding an instance. The steps to update or add an instance are the same as they were when the Hyland Office Products Deployment installer was originally run, with the exception of how to launch the Deployment Wizard.