Creating Outlook Folders for WorkView - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

You can create Outlook folders that automatically display WorkView data or provide a filter for data entry in order to retrieve specific WorkView data. WorkView folders in Outlook are tied to the Windows log in. To create a folder for WorkView data:

  1. In the Mail Folders pane in Outlook, select the folder in which you would like to place the new WorkView folder, right-click and select New WorkView Folder. The WorkView - New WorkView Folder dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter a Folder Name for the new folder.
  3. Select the application that the folder will be associated with from the drop-down list. A list of the application's filter bars is displayed.
  4. Select the filter from within a filter bar by clicking the drop-down arrow of the filter bar and select the filter you want to use to display WorkView data.
  5. If you want to select a different folder location than the folder you initially selected, you can select a folder in the Select where to place the folder box.
  6. Click OK. The folder is created in the Mail Folders pane.

Depending on the Microsoft security updates you have applied, you may need to perform system changes in order to use custom folders. Contact your system administrator for more information.