Editing an Existing Filter for a Section - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

In some instances you may want to change the view attributes, fixed constraints, or sort order of a filter. To customize a filter for use in a section or subsection:

  1. In the Contextual Section Configuration dialog box or the Outlook Filter Subsection Configuration dialog box, select the filter you want to base your section results upon from the Filter drop-down list and click the Edit Filter button next to the drop-down.

    The Edit Filter button will not be enabled for filters associated with external classes using a web service or the LOB Broker.

    The Filter Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  2. You can change the name of the filter to distinguish it as an edited filter by editing the text in the Filter Name field.
  3. Click View Attributes to access the attributes used to display filter results. You can delete attributes from the display by clicking the red X button next to the attribute name. You can also change the order of the attributes displayed in the filter results by selecting an attribute and using the up and down arrows to move the attribute to the appropriate position in the list.

    You can edit the Heading displayed by double-clicking on the column for the attribute and entering a value. You can also define the text alignment for the attribute from the drop-down list under the Horizontal Alignment column. Left, Right, and Center are the available options.

    You can also double-click on an attribute in the left pane to add the attribute to the display.

  4. Click Fixed Constraints to specify fixed search criteria for the filter results.

    Double-click on an attribute to add it as a restraint

    Select a mathematical operator from the drop-down menu. The following operators are available: =, <, >, <=, >=, <>, NULL, and NOT NULL. The =, <>, NULL, and NOT NULL operators are the only operators available for alphanumeric, text, and boolean data type attributes. The NULL operator searches for attributes that do not have any value. The NOT NULL operator searches for attributes that have any value. If NULL or NOT NULL is selected, any value in the value field is ignored and listed in the field as a blank string when it is added.

    Enter the value that the attribute must meet in order for objects to be displayed in the Value column.

    Complex fixed constraints can be configured by using a combination of parentheses and AND/OR operators to construct complex queries. Parentheses can be used to group constraint items together. Use the ( and ) buttons to define parentheses. The AND/OR operator drop-down list allows you to specify how values are searched using the fixed constraint items. AND is selected by default. If AND is selected, multiple fixed constraints must be met in order for objects to be returned in the filter's results. If OR is selected, one of the fixed constraints items must be met in order for objects to be returned in the filter's results. You can use a combination of the AND and OR operators, coupled with the use of parentheses in order to yield the desired results.

    You can move the constraints up or down in the list by selecting the attribute and clicking the up and down buttons.

    You can delete attributes by clicking the red X button next to the attribute name.

  5. Click Sort to specify sort order.

    Double-click on an attribute to add it as a sort parameter.

    Select Ascending or Descending from the Order drop-down menu.

    You can delete attributes by clicking the red X button next to the attribute name.

  6. When finished click Save.