Syncing Outlook Contacts with WorkView Data - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

Depending on your configuration, you may be able to sync contacts in Microsoft Outlook with data in WorkView objects and vice versa. Contacts are identified by e-mail address.

When you sync a contact with an object, there are several scenarios that will arise:

  • the contact and object may automatically sync;

  • you will be prompted to select the object to sync the contact with;

  • you will be prompted to resolve value conflicts;

  • or you will be prompted to create a new object.

In addition, after the initial sync, contacts and objects can both be updated separate from each other and the data may conflict. Upon subsequent syncing, conflicts in values must be resolved to update either the contact or the object, depending the value chosen to resolve the conflict.


Contacts can only be synced with a single application in a single datasource.


If Security Attributes are configured for a class, a new object of that class cannot be created from contact synchronization.