Using WorkView Folders - WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook

WorkView Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Foundation 24.1

Once a WorkView folder is configured within the Mail Folders pane, you can use it to access WorkView data. Upon clicking on the folder, you will either receive a hit list of WorkView objects or you will get a filter that you can enter search criteria into to search for specific WorkView data.

If the filter selected for the folder has full text searching enabled, you can full text search within the folder. The following is displayed when this is available:

Enter the text you want to search for in the Text Search field and click the Search button. The search will be performed over any field that has been configured for full text indexing. When multiple words are entered, the search is performed for each individual word. If you want to search for a phrase, enclose the words with quotations marks.

If you want to search over a specific field, you must specify the search criteria. To select search criteria:

  1. Click the Configure Text Search Attributes icon.
  2. The Search Criteria Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Select Search Criteria drop-down list, select the field you want to search. The field is displayed.
  4. Enter the value you want to search for. If multiple words are entered for a value, objects will be searched for that phrase.
  5. If you want to search values that are independent from each other in additional fields, select them from the drop-down list and enter the value you want to search for in each field.

    You can set the value to equal to (=) or not equal to (<>).

    You can use AND or OR between each field to define the relationship between the fields for your search results.

    You can remove a field from the search by clicking the Remove Constraint button.

  6. When your search is defined, click OK. Upon clicking OK, the search criteria will be displayed in the Text Search field. This text cannot be edited in the field. In order to enter text into the Text Search field, you must clear the search criteria from the field.
  7. Click Search to view your results.

You can clear your search criteria by clicking Clear All.

Once the filter results are displayed, you can right-click in the results list and select Display as Dashboard to display the data in a dashboard view.

The following is an example of filter results display in a dashboard view:

Once filter results are displayed as a dashboard, you can control how data is displayed in the three tiles. The first tile is in a bar chart format. The second tile is in a pie chart format. The third tile is in a search results list format.


If a message stating Too Many Data Points to Display Chart is displayed, the number of data categories returned by the filter and displayed by the chart exceeds the maximum number of data categories allowed and the chart cannot be displayed

When the dashboard is opened, all three tiles will display the data as defined by the View and By drop-down lists displayed in the top, bar chart tile. The View drop-down list controls the x axis of the bar chart. The By drop-down list controls the y axis of the bar chart tile and the pie chart display.


When the View drop-down list is used to select a different attribute, the By drop-down list will reset.

The pie chart tile can also be formatted with its View drop-down list. You can select the attribute you would like to use to display data in the pie chart.

The data displayed in the pie chart and search result list tiles can also be impacted when an item is clicked on within the bar chart. When a section of the bar chart is clicked, the pie chart and search results list update to reflect the specific bar chart section's data.

Any of the tiles in the dashboard can be opened in a new window by clicking on a window and dragging it away from the dashboard.

The bar chart can be printed by clicking the Send this Chart to the printer button within the tile or by right-clicking in the tile and selecting Print.

The pie chart can be printed by clicking the Send this Chart to the printer button within the tile or by right-clicking in the tile and selecting Print.

To return to the standard filter results display, click the Display as Filter button .