Searching Columns - WorkView - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Premier

WorkView Client

Foundation 22.1

Once a filter is executed, you can search columns. In order to search in columns, you must click the Toggle advanced filters button.

Once advanced filtering is toggled on, you can search columns. To search within a column:

  1. Under the column you want to search, click the filter button.

    An Add filter value field is displayed.

  2. Enter the value you want to filter the column on. The results will be filtered based on the value entered.

    Column filter constraints are displayed below the column headers. The following is an example:

    You can use a combination of column filters to find specific results. To add additional column filters:

  3. Select the column header you want to add a filter for.
  4. Select operator for filtering. The default selection is Equals. Click = icon in the search field to display a list of available operators.
  5. Add filter value to the Add filter value field.

    You can also use multiple values to filter a column. To use multiple values:

  6. Add filter value to the Add filter value field.
  7. Click the check mark within the field.
  8. Add another value and click the check mark within the field. Repeat this step for each value you want to include in the filter. The following is an example of a column filter:
  9. Use the operator drop-down list between values to select either And or Or to customize the results that are displayed.

You can remove one or all filter values for a column. Click the x next to the value will remove that value from the result constraints. Click Reset to remove all values for that column.

If you want to see all of the filter values applied across the columns, clicking Close will close the Add filter value field view. The following is example of filter values applied to multiple columns after the Add filter value field view is closed: