Resolving Document Type Conflicts - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

If a document belonging to the SYS System Overlay Images Document Type is imported during a Workflow import, and it has the same description as a document found in the destination database, the existing document is used for overlay. If no match is found, a new document is created from the import XML file and stored into the database.


When importing multiple Document Types that map to the same HTML form, care must be taken when creating new forms, versus mapping to existing HTML forms.

To resolve Document Type conflicts:

  1. Select the Document Type category in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.
  2. Click Resolve.
  3. The Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box displays.
  4. Select the Document Type to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the dialog box.
  5. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
    • Map the currently selected Document Type to an existing Document Type in the database by selecting an existing Document Type to map to in the Mapping/Replacing Choices list and clicking Map.

    • Replace the current Document Type with the newly imported Document Type by selecting a Document Type from the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and clicking Replace. Document Type settings are preserved as they were in the existing Document Type.

    • Rename the Document Type by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The maximum number of characters allowed is 50. When a new Document Type is created, its first revision is created with the Document Type settings from imported Document Type.

    • Add a new revision of existing Document Type by clicking Create Revision. The Document Type settings are applied from the import file.

    • Map all selected imported Document Types to existing Document Types that match in name by clicking Map to Same Name.


    The Default Disk Group setting is not applied from imported Document Types.


    Care must be exercised when selecting Map to Same Name. All dependencies within the mapped Document Type will also be mapped to existing configurations and may result in errors.

  6. Click Save when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.

    If you select Show Mapped Objects, mapped items will be displayed. If you select Show Replacing Objects, items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you select Show New Objects, items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When these options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the dialog box.