There are many other types of conflicts that can occur in addition to life cycles, queues, and document types. They include:
Document Composition Categories
CAUTION:Security user group rights are not exported for libraries. If you use the Map or Replace options during the import for library, the user group rights will not change and will remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the Create New option for a library, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to have edit access to the library.
Document Type Group
Keyword Type
Note:When importing a Keyword Type that is configured to use auto numbering, if you choose Create New, the new Keyword Type's initial value starts at 0. If you choose Map To, the Keyword Type's initial value maps to the keyword value in the destination database and will use the existing sequence value. If you map a Keyword Type that is configured with auto numbering to a Keyword Type in the destination database that is not configured with auto numbering, the mapped Keyword Type will not be configured with auto numbering because the mapped Keyword Type inherits the properties of the Keyword Type in the destination database.
custom queries
document templates
file types
folder types
folder templates
Form Letter Templates
CAUTION:Security user group rights are not exported for templates. If you use the Map or Replace options during the import for template, the user group rights will not change and will remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the Create New option for a template, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to have edit access to the template.
print formats
print queues
XML formats
XML format ports
currency formats
Org Charts
users (only applicable to users that are used in a life cycle. For example, a load balancing queue would be associated with users.)
user groups
note types
Note:If a document belonging to the SYS HTML Form Document Type is imported and does not have a value for the Description Keyword Type, or it has spaces as the value, it will be imported with a unique, automatically-generated value in the format of “Eform ID nnn”, where nnn is the ID number for the form.
Unity Forms Templates
Note:When resolving this conflict type, ensure that the Document Type associated with the Unity Form template is assigned all the Keyword Types configured for the Unity Form template. Document Type conflicts need to be resolved before resolving Unity Form template conflicts.
Note:If an imported Unity Form template has the same name as a Unity Form template that already exists in the destination database, but is associated with a different document type, the user will not be able to use the Map to Same Name button.
Unity Forms Data Sets
Unity Form Themes
icons and bitmaps
SAP Servers
actions that transition documents to another queue
reading groups
approval groups
HL7 messages
HL7 destinations
DocPop URLs
content sources
Collaboration Templates
WorkView Class DTAs
WorkView Filter DTAs
Managed Folder Types
CAUTION:Always resolve Managed Folders before resolving Hold Reasons to ensure you are resolving the Hold Reasons correctly and matching the Hold Reason with the correct Managed Folder.
Hold Sets and Hold Reasons
RIM Event Sets
CAUTION:Always resolve Event Sets before resolving Events to ensure you are resolving the Events correctly and matching the Events with the correct Event Set.
RIM Events
RIM Retention Plans
To resolve other conflicts: