Resolving User Form Conflicts - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

User forms may or may not exist in the OnBase database to which they are being imported. In either case, a conflict will exist. If a form with the same name exists in the system, you will have to decide whether or not to map the form, replace the existing form, or create a new form with a new name. If a form with the same name doesn't exist in the system, a new form must be created.

To resolve user form conflicts:

  1. Select the User Forms category in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.
  2. Click Resolve.
  3. The Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box displays.
  4. Select the user form to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the dialog box.
  5. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
    • Map the currently selected user form to an existing user form in the database by selecting an existing user form to map to in the Mapping/Replacing Choices list and clicking Map.

    • Replace the current user form with the newly imported user form by selecting a user form from the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and clicking Replace.

    • Rename the user form by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The maximum number of characters allowed is 50.

  6. Click Apply when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.

    If you select Show Mapped Objects, mapped items will be displayed. If you select Show Replacing Objects, items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you select Show New Objects, items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When these options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the dialog box.

  7. After clicking Apply, if Create New was selected for a user form, the Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed.

    Browse to the location where you would like to store the form and click OK. Ensure the path used is accessible to users by using a UNC path.